Tuesday 5 February 2013

Malachite Kingfishers came to Play

This post is mainly of Malachite Kingfishers both adult and juveniles or immatures. The Bittern, Reed Warbler and a Waxbill also have a guest appearance.

Saturday was an early start to get to Marievale  bird sanctuary which is a very large area near the Gold Mining town of Nigel on the east Rand. The wet land was created by the mines when they pumped the water from their underground workings.Some of these mines are still in operation at the present time so the wet land is still being filled from this pumping. Land as far as i am aware was turned into a conservancy by the mine owners and as such the whole community has benefited from it.

This is a rather delicate balancing act while fishing.

Common Waxbill

Immature Malachite Kingfisher

Caught Lunch

Immature Malachite Kingfisher
The image above is of the immature bird as can be seen from the colour of the bill and feet.

Fly by
The immature Kingfisher has a dark coloured bill and feet, while the mature has the very distinctive red bill and feet. As one can see from the photo below.

Snack Time

Botched Landing

Purple Swamp Hen

Reed Warbler

Wiskered Tern

Common Mongoose
The common mongoose or as it is known locally as the Red Mongoose, these creatures can be very shy and most often they are seen fleetingly as they rush off to safety usually away from humans. So i felt very privileged to be able to photograph this one as it posed quietly then left in a very dignified way not the usual mad dash.

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