Wednesday 16 January 2013

Maluti Mountains & Other Images


I must add that I went and stood on to of the highest point in the Maluti Mountains That I could get to, not very high by world standards but high enough for me all 2500m above see level, to see the end of the World, but as I thought would happen Nothing just plain nothing.

At last here is the first post of the new year I have been reviewing the photos that I took over the December break.
Here are some of the first ones to be processed.

Old Barn

Blue Tiger
The Stud Stallion standing at Riverton Stud in the Western Province of South Africa.

Kraai River Bridge
(Kraai in English is Crow)

Blue Cranes a mating Pair
These are in one of the Paddocks on Riverton Stud.

Warriors Way River Crossing
The is the route which Mosheshwe and his warriors took thought the mountains to raid the European Settlers and Xhosa people. The Narrow gauge railway (now discontinued) bridge is the river crossing the raiding parties used to take about 100 years ago.

Bully Canary

Kraai River
This was taken upstream of the road bridge.

Daasies Hoek Nature Reserve
Her we have a little known gem in the Robertson Area of the Western Cape
Karoo Sunset
This was take just out side of a little town in the Karoo called Victoria West.
There will be more posts of the mountains as I process the raw images.

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