Sunday 21 October 2012

A Days Bird Photograpghy

Saturday while going to the gardens the weather looked decidedly dodgy, arriving there went down to the river  forest area where I could hear some cuckoos calling. Little did I know what a mornings photography was going to take place.
As the light was not of the best I fitted the flash to my camera and took a few experimental shots to check settings etc.then settled down to wait. These photos are what transpired so please enjoy as I had a great time photographing these birds.
Robin Chat

This Robin was the fist to appear out of the undergrowth.

Crested Barbet

This Punk rocker lead me on a merry dance, while trying to photograph it.

Diederik Cuckoo

This very shy bird flew off each time i tried to photograph it.

Black  Cuckoo

Difficult to see and find.

This youngster is still learning hoe to fly
Juvenile Black Eagle - Launch

This Youngster is still learning how to fly.
Gliding Practice 
Have a great week and lets hear from you and feel free to share with your friends.

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